BBP & HAZCOM Training

Complete your required Bloodborne Pathogens & HAZCOM Training online in less than an hour.
Our BBP online training course satisfies the Blood Bourne Pathogen standard annual training requirement on exposure control principles and practices. The online Hazcom training complies with the annual training requirement under the hazardous communication standard on proper identification and management of hazardous materials.
Both annual requirements can be met in a timely and cost-effective manner with our online training.
- Interactive, multi-media training with easy-to-follow videos
- Each training can be completed in one or multiple sessions
- Receive a training certificate upon completion
- View the status of your current and past training
- Receive an automatic email reminder when it’s time for a refresher course
Ready to simplify your office’s BBP & HIPAA training? Contact BioServ now to learn more about using our Online Safety Compliance Portal.